What is it?
EDB Content Manager is content manager specially thought to allow writers to publish their short stories, novels or poems in an easy and stylish way. The application is written in PHP4 and MySQL, with a skinable interface thru CSS.

EDB Content Manager is free software, released under GNU GPL Licence v2.0. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You can visit the application development site at Source Forge and check for latests releases. There is also a bug tracking log and a features request system, along with a (if I have time) public forum.

You can download the latest release from Source Forge file release system. There is also a CVS repository where you can find the current version we are working on. Remember that this version is under production, it may contain bugs or features not completely developed.

EDB Content Manager supports localization easyly. You only need half an hour to have the site running in your own language, or just download one of the already available from the list and copy it to the 'locale' folder. If you have translated EDB Content Manager to a language not listed above, please, send your work to xosem [at] users [dot] sourceforge [dot] net, and help the community. Thank you.

Main page Entry page
Book page Administration page
User profile page Users list page
Statistics (1) Statistics (2)

See it running
You can see EDB Content Manager running in the following web sites:
If you...
  • are interested on using EDB Content Manager for your site, or
  • want to help developing the application, or
  • have any question about EDB Content Manager, or
  • want to request any feature, or
  • would like to publish your stories on the Internet, or
  • (write here your case)
just write me to xosem [at] users [dot] sourceforge [dot] net, or visit the project Source Forge page here.
Barcelona, 09/June/2004
"No siempre lo urgente es lo importate" (Fito y Fitipaldis)